Simon Wiesenthal Center

Simon Wiesenthal center has a great program on teaching teachers how to tackle bullying. They do this in a historical context, with anti-semitism in Germany, the Civil rights movement in this country and stereotypes we create about others so that we can feel better about ourselves.

The Center’s educational arm, founded in 1993 challenges visitors to confront bigotry and racism, and to understand the
Holocaust in both historic and contemporary contexts. The Museum has served over 4 million visitors with 350,000 visiting
annually including 130,000 students. Over 1.5 million children and youth have participated in the Museum experience and
its programs. Over 110,000 adults have been trained in the Museum’s customized, professional development programs
which include Tools for Tolerance, Teaching Steps to Tolerance, Task Force Against Hate, National Institute Against Hate
Crimes, Tools for Tolerance for Teens and Bridging the Gap.


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